Kemp & Lauritzen
A fresh take on a reliable constant
Kemp & Lauritzen
Professional Services
- Digital Products & Services
- Content & Campaigns
- Design Activation
- Annual & ESG Reporting
- Storytelling & Tone of Voice
- Communication Strategy
- Bespoke Type Design
- Brand Strategic Consulting
- Visual Identity
- Digital Design Systems
Although Kemp & Lauritzen might not be the type of company that immediately comes to mind when thinking about the green transition, their green solutions have a meaningful impact. We helped them design and implement a new brand that reflects their status as a future-facing, digital player in the green transition. The new visual identity, composed of a new logo, colour palette, and custom typeface, reflects the people and culture at their core, which makes Kemp & Lauritzen what it is. The heritage and vision of Kemp & Lauritzen are further elevated through the activation of the brand – using an editorial-led approach and user-centred digital experience to tell their stories in meaningful, inspiring and approachable ways.
Learn more about the project“With our new brand, we make it even more clear that we are a company that creates a real impact. Our many talented and diverse employees make a real difference every day alongside our good customers and strong partners.”
CEO of Kemp & Lauritzen
Peter Kaas Hammer
More work in Professional Services