Suntory Group

New perspectives on sustainability communication

  • Client

    Suntory Group

  • Industry

    Large Corporate

  • Deliveries

    • Digital Product Development
    • Visual Identity
    • Communication Strategy
    • UX & UI Design
    • Digital Design Systems
    • Annual & Sustainability Reporting
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As the largest and most ubiquitous Japanese beverage company, the Suntory Group knows and respects the source of all their business — water. To help Suntory tell the story of their sustainability initiatives in an engaging and easy-to-understand way, Kontrapunkt organised a creative concept around their corporate philosophy: “To inspire the brilliance of life, by creating rich experiences for people, in harmony with nature.” In the booklet, you’ll meet water personified as both the narrator of the story and as the character whose viewpoint we see the world from. With an illustration, writing and layout style constructed in layers, the aptly named Ripple Effect booklet gives audiences various ways into the interconnected themes and initiatives. A change of perspective to capture new audiences and inspire continued action. Always flowing, always progressing.

Special thanks to

Halle, Marta, Yuki, Alex, José from Kontrapunkt.

Get in touch

Tomoe Hamaguchiya

Tomoe Hamaguchiya

Japan Representative Director

+81 (0)3-5775-7438